Now that I had unit tests running against my Ionic project, the next step was to get it set up in Travis-CI so it will run the tests with each pull request and with each merge into master.

I figured based on the configuration I had to do to get the unit tests running that this would be very similar in configuration to an Angular CLI based project that I have building on Travis-CI. As it happens, I was correct. All I had to do was:

  • turn on the building for that repository
  • copy the .travis.yml from my Angular project
  • change the global package install
  • change the scripts that are called at the end to run the tests
  • profit!

Here is my complete .travis.yml

sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: node_js
  - "7"

    - google-chrome
    - google-chrome-stable
    - google-chrome-beta

  - export CHROME_BIN=chromium-browser
  - export DISPLAY=:99.0
  - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start

  - npm install -g cordova ionic

  - npm run test-ci
  - npm run lint

Good Luck!! And Good Testing!!